Getting in Touch With Your Spirit Guide

Everyone is fortunate to have at least one spirit guide, some may even have two. Whilst the term ‘spirit guide’ is popular, they can also be commonly referred to as angels or guardian angels and less commonly as spirit helpers. However they are regarded, they all essentially have the same role and that is to be there for you and to guide you through your life. They are often spirits that you met in a past life you had or a future one yet to come and can come in all different shapes, sizes and forms.
It is thought that anyone can connect and communicate with their spirit guide with a little bit of effort and training. The benefits of doing this can be immense, by effectively communicating with your spirit guide you can often get them to be the interpreter between you and the divine and give you greater advice. Although possible to communicate, it can take years to build up an effective and good rapport with them and patience is always needed whilst trying to connect.
A few simple steps could lead you on the way to a valuable and informative relationship with your spirit guide:
- The first step is to relax and find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed, ensure you are away from all forms of communication as any interruption will disrupt your meditation.
- The next thing you need to do is call your spirit, by asking specific small questions like ‘Are my car keys hanging up’ you will start to feel, usually by a sensation over your body, whether the answer is yes or no. The more you practice different questions and answers the more you will get to know how your spirit responds and what signals you need to look out for.
- Once you feel more comfortable with knowing how your spirit guide responds you can start delving into more detail. Asking the spirit what their name is will be a good place to start. You will either hear a name said in your head or just have a strong feeling what the name is.
In time, you will start to strengthen your spirituality and power and may even start to see swirling colours and visions from your own mind through the power of meditation. Bear in mind, with your new found abilities, that you are calling on your spirit guide to aid you in overcoming any negative traits you may have or inspire you in a time of crisis. The purpose is to guide you to become a better person and the whole experience can be very enriching.
Visit our Psychic Readers page and speak to one of our readers who may be able to assist you in finding your spirit guide.