Aura: A Body's Subtle Energy Field

Aura’s have been known about for many centuries, in medieval Europe both angels and humans were painted with beautiful aura’s normally confined to the head region by painters such as Fra Angelico and Giusto de’ Menabuoi. 5000+ years ago in India ‘prana’ was taught – the universal life force that flows through all things. Similarly ch’i in Chinese is named for the energy that pervades everyone and everything.
The aura of a person is made up of seven layers that overlap each other; surrounding the body in a subtle energy system composed of an electromagnetic field. The layer closest to the body is called the etheric body; the finest layer is the furthest away and is called the ketheric template. The five layers in between are emotional body, mental body, astral layer, etheric template and celestial body. The colours of the aura are often seen by clairvoyants and the electromagnetic field allows them to make contact with the psychic plane. In the 20th century a Russian scientist named Semyo Kirlian developed a way to capture a person’s aura on film enabling those without psychic abilities to see their own aura. The imaging method is still used today and is often available at local psychic fayres.
In an ideal world a balanced aura is egg shaped encompassing every part of your body from slightly above your head to beneath your feet. However at times it can become unbalanced and will show as thin on one side or will cut off at a certain point so the whole body is not shrouded. The colour of your aura can change depending on your health, your mood and just generally how you view the world; this is fine – there is no ideal colour, just what is unique to you.
If you have an aura reading or are learning to read your own aura then these are some of the things you might notice:
- A lopsided aura may signify a lack of trust or fear.
- A flat area over the crown chakra can mean depression.
- If the aura cuts off at the knees then a lack of grounding or connection with surroundings may be the reason.
- An aura that has a jagged edge may mean a lack of boundaries or can be as a result of physical damage to the body.
- Each person will have a predominant colour to their aura and then other colours will come and go depending on their emotions and health. You can tell a lot about a personality by knowing what their aura looks like, for instance:
- A red aura – they have energy, they take action, they are innovative and have leadership skills.
- An orange aura – they are confident and optimistic and have emotional warmth.
- A yellow aura – they are creative, gregarious and have good communication skills and mental agility.
- A green aura – they have a love of nature and a need for harmony, they are kind and have a peaceful quality to their personality.
- A pink aura – they are affectionate and compassionate. They are spiritually strong.
- A blue aura – they have good spiritual knowledge and have strong ethical values. They are considerate whilst being idealists.
- An indigo/purple aura – they have psychic ability, they love well, they are intuitive and have spiritual purpose.
- A white aura – they are humanitarians; they have a very strong connection with the Divine and there are spiritually evolved.
This article was written with the help of The Psychic’s Bible written by Jane Struthers