Money Lessons


Recent events will have brought money & finances into sharp focus for many. Furlough, redundancy, reduced hours, working from home, have all become part of our vocabulary.

Many of us have naturally prioritised essential spending – such as food and medicines. A few of us may have even been able to save a little, as a result of less travel costs, socialising and more.

So, now that the world is trying to normalise a little, and politician’s thoughts in part turn to the economy. Are there money lessons that we should be learning as part of this wider journey?


Qixi: Chinese Valentine’s Day


Qixi is otherwise known as The Double Seventh Festival, based around a romantic legend story. So named, for falling on the 7th day of the 7th month (Chinese Lunar), in 2020 that falls on Tuesday 25th August.

Could your love-life do with an injection of romance? Then 6 months after our own Valentine’s Day, why not embrace the Chinese equivalent called Qixi?


Holiday: Safe & Happy Travels…


Many holiday operators have seen a sudden surge in interest, with lots of people desperate to book a last-minute escape. Of course, many will have booked long in advance and if that was for late July or August it’s quite likely it will be going ahead as planned.

If you are in the latter position, you may well have a mix of excitement, but also trepidation about venturing on holiday, particularly abroad. So we look at how to ensure you have safe & happy travels!


Planets: The Magic of Astrology


When you read your horoscopes you will often see planetary references. For example, in July for Taurus. Planets: Mercury, Jupiter and Mars are all affected by the Lunar Eclipse, that falls in your education & religious sky.

You might be interested to know, just what the different planets govern and are associated with. Of course, the position of the planets within astrology at your time of birth, will have a lot to do with your personality traits, but they can also have an impact on day-to-day life!

The Sun

Career Aspirations, Motivation, Well-being, Prosperity, Law, Guidance, Buying/Selling and Children.

The sun is associated with masculine energy, and male pursuits.

Don’t be tempted down an arrogant and overassertive route, instead let the sun’s light lead the way.


Dating: Is it time to start?


Today, we are discussing dating: Did you find yourself going through the UK lock-down (as a result of the Covid19 crisis) alone? Maybe you are separated or divorced, or just happily single… Whatever the reason for not being in a relationship, many folks have found themselves evaluating their lives during this period. Some have thrived, and not found the solitary living an issue, but others may have decided that in the future it might just be time to dip their toes in the dating pool once more!


We’ve all gone baking mad!


That headline could easily have been confused with barking mad, as let’s face it the lockdown has sent us all feeling a little loopy at times! But, for many, a salvation has been found in baking…

Anyone that tried to track down baking staples like flour, yeast, eggs and baking powder in the early stages of Covid-19 will know just how many people out there were giving it a go.




Housekeeping: with Coronavirus, all of us have been a bit more aware of cleaning and sanitising both our hands and homes.

So, we take a look at sensible housekeeping habits to adopt:

Around the Home

  • There are many things that we touch or use daily, that benefit from regular cleaning with a mild disinfectant/microfibre cloth etc:

Chakra: Seven Sacred Sites


Of course, Stonehenge is just one of the many wonders of the world. Many people believe that there are in fact seven sacred sites globally, each corresponding to one of our Chakra positions.

The First – Mount Shasta – U.S.A

Shasta is considered to be the base and earth chakra, regulating universal life-force. It is volcanic, and it is a question of when it will erupt again, not if! As such you can imagine that the energy is like a geyser – rushing upwards, reaching for the sky, with an ever-changing shape and structure.




In Christian countries Easter is a celebration related to Christ’s sacrifice, but in other countries and faiths traditions are about rejoicing the return of spring.

Spring Equinox

Easter is not on a fixed date; it falls on or after Spring Equinox – the first Sunday following the Full Moon. The date of Easter for Orthodox Christians is determined by the date of Passover, the last supper shared by Jesus and his disciples.


Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox falls today, on Friday 20th March 2020. It is a balance point at which both day and night last for exactly 12 hours each, all over the planet. In fact the Latin word Equinox actually means ‘equal night’.

Daylight Hours

Spring equinox marks the beginning of daylight increasing until the amount of daylight becomes longer in relation to the hours of night, culminating in Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year.

Vernal Equinox

Sometimes the phrase Vernal Equinox is used instead, taken from the Latin word vernare meaning to bloom. Many spring plants have a version of this in their name for example the sweet pea or Lathyrus vernus. Other flowers are also celebrated at this time of year, the daffodil for its bright yellow (sun like) flower head. The daisy or ‘day’s eye’ – closed tightly at night and open during the day, this flower has long been celebrated with Celtic tradition, the yellow centre associated with the sun and also the yolk of eggs first laid at this time of year.


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