Seasons Category

Bonfire Night Facts & Quiz

Bonfire Night

Did you know that up to 1959, it was illegal; to NOT; celebrate Bonfire Night? However, the event was celebrated indoors.

The above dictate was only allowed after World War I and WW II, as in those periods, no one was allowed to set off fireworks; for fear of alerting the enemy to where people were. This legislation, was cemented with The Defence of the Realm Act in parliament in 1914.


Spread a little Joy this Christmas

It is fair to say that recently things have felt a little bit bleak, both home and away – and we could all do with a bit of festive joy this Christmas season.

The spirit of the time is one of giving; there is no better gift than one’s time and thoughtfulness.

If you have the time and means, then; why not carry out an ‘advent calendar’ or ’12 days of Christmas’ acts of kindness for others, and spread a little joy to those around you?

I’m sure you will have your own ideas, but here are some to get you started:


Now, more than ever – people are visiting food banks. Why not check where your local bank collects from; and if there is anything specific, they need? At this time of year, they are often; short of non-food items like toiletries, household cleaning supplies, and some festive treats.


Summer Solstice: King of the Woods

Summer Solstice
Summer Solstice

The month of June, of course, brings Midsummer’s Day! In the UK, the Summer Solstice occurred this morning (21st of June 2022) at 10.13 am. The ‘sol’ in Solstice translates to Sun. As we advance towards the solstice, the sun gets progressively higher in the sky until it reaches its peak.

For us in the UK, it ironically marks the beginning of nights drawing in – although thankfully, this happens slowly and so; we can still enjoy warm, light summer evenings in June, July and August; before transitioning to autumn. However, if you live far from the equator, the summer solstice marks the highest amount of day light hours. Some people will visit countries like Finland, Norway and Sweden around the summer solstice period to experience 24-hour sunlight, sometimes called midnight sun or night-time day-light!


March: Celebrate everything about this Spring month!


1st – St David’s Day

This day in March is celebrated in Wales of course, as he is the Patron Saint of the country, but also in the UK, USA and Canada. David lived until he was 100 years old, but it was 500 years later before he was memorialised in texts of the time. His story may be a mix of fact and legend, but many believe that he founded churches and a monastery and rose through the church to be an archbishop, and eventually he was canonised.


Things to do in the garden this Spring!

  • Prepare any gardenflower beds you have. Remove weeds and have a good dig over the area. Then work in some fresh soil, possibly some manure or fertiliser, depending on what you are going to plant.
  • Start planting summer-flower bulbs like Ranunculi’s and Dahlias. Roses should also be planted, so they have time to establish.
  • Bedding plants will be in the garden-centres now, and will provide some early spring colour. Deadhead for a longer flowering season.

Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Chamuel

If you feel in need of support throughout the festive season, then Archangel Chamuel is a great angel to turn to. Connected to the heart chakra, Chamuel focuses on helping you to develop and nurture loving relationships.

Sometimes having healthy relationships with others, first starts at home, with us learning to accept and love ourselves. Only when we do that, can we feel ready to receive love from others as well as give it wholeheartedly and unreservedly.




In Christian countries Easter is a celebration related to Christ’s sacrifice, but in other countries and faiths traditions are about rejoicing the return of spring.

Spring Equinox

Easter is not on a fixed date; it falls on or after Spring Equinox – the first Sunday following the Full Moon. The date of Easter for Orthodox Christians is determined by the date of Passover, the last supper shared by Jesus and his disciples.


Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox falls today, on Friday 20th March 2020. It is a balance point at which both day and night last for exactly 12 hours each, all over the planet. In fact the Latin word Equinox actually means ‘equal night’.

Daylight Hours

Spring equinox marks the beginning of daylight increasing until the amount of daylight becomes longer in relation to the hours of night, culminating in Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year.

Vernal Equinox

Sometimes the phrase Vernal Equinox is used instead, taken from the Latin word vernare meaning to bloom. Many spring plants have a version of this in their name for example the sweet pea or Lathyrus vernus. Other flowers are also celebrated at this time of year, the daffodil for its bright yellow (sun like) flower head. The daisy or ‘day’s eye’ – closed tightly at night and open during the day, this flower has long been celebrated with Celtic tradition, the yellow centre associated with the sun and also the yolk of eggs first laid at this time of year.


Books for the Festive Season

Photo coutesy of publishers: Seven Dials

For those that love to cook

One Pot Wonders – The Hairy Bikers

Even cooks that like to be in the kitchen want an easy meal to get on the table every now and again. This book provides plenty of inspiration, but with the added bonus of less prep/washing up – as all can be cooked in one pot!

For the vegetarian in your life

VEG – Jamie Oliver

This book is not just for vegetarians, but will certainly help them and vegans make interesting meals. But also, for those looking for ways of boosting their 5-a day habit.

For the one who loves a good romance

A Wedding in December – Sarah Morgan

With an Aspen setting, and wedding day looming – is all well in the world, or does it seem that everyone is hiding a secret? Maybe it’s time to get everything out in the open…


Last Christmas

Last Christmas - Universal Pictures
Film Poster courtesy of Universal Pictures

Last Christmas? I know what you are thinking, it’s only November? So, why am I talking about a Christmas film? Well, this movie does have a Christmas back-drop, but really it is a fun-loving, light-hearted British rom-com, that just happens to be out in UK cinemas from the 15th November 2019.

The Cast

Emma Thompson features in the film, but she is also one of the writers. In fact, the film was inspired by a George Michael song ‘Last Christmas’. George Michael was involved in the early stages of the film, but sadly he passed away before the project really got off the ground.


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