Relationships Category

Zodiac Partners and their Approach to Finances!


Has it ever occurred to you that the zodiac sign a person was born under can also influence the choices they make; and the philosophies; they have around money?

Do you often find that you and your partner do not see eye to eye on finances? Of course, our thoughts around money are influenced by many things, from the way we were raised to the jobs we have; and what we value in life. But read on, and see if you recognise any traits in the below Zodiac Signs…


As you have no doubt realised, Aries like to spend – even overspend! Which, of course, has a knock-on effect on you and your family. If it is available, they will spend it, whether that is on a credit card, overdraft, or even getting into more serious debt. Aries partners will often feel like they have to step in and rescue things – but this of course sets up a pattern for Aries not needing to worry about the outcome. So far in life, they always seem to muddle through; from their perspective, the less they worry about such matters, the more lady luck shines down on them!


Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Chamuel

If you feel in need of support throughout the festive season, then Archangel Chamuel is a great angel to turn to. Connected to the heart chakra, Chamuel focuses on helping you to develop and nurture loving relationships.

Sometimes having healthy relationships with others, first starts at home, with us learning to accept and love ourselves. Only when we do that, can we feel ready to receive love from others as well as give it wholeheartedly and unreservedly.


Qixi: Chinese Valentine’s Day


Qixi is otherwise known as The Double Seventh Festival, based around a romantic legend story. So named, for falling on the 7th day of the 7th month (Chinese Lunar), in 2020 that falls on Tuesday 25th August.

Could your love-life do with an injection of romance? Then 6 months after our own Valentine’s Day, why not embrace the Chinese equivalent called Qixi?


Dating: Is it time to start?


Today, we are discussing dating: Did you find yourself going through the UK lock-down (as a result of the Covid19 crisis) alone? Maybe you are separated or divorced, or just happily single… Whatever the reason for not being in a relationship, many folks have found themselves evaluating their lives during this period. Some have thrived, and not found the solitary living an issue, but others may have decided that in the future it might just be time to dip their toes in the dating pool once more!


Leap Year Proposal

Leap Year

Did you realise that 2020 is a Leap Year? Bringing with it a 29th day in February. It’s not just there to catch us out, and make you think “Am I actually going to get paid for going to work that day?”. It’s there to synchronise our calendar year with the astronomical period.


The ancient Egyptians realised that the solar year and the calendar year did not match up. It actually takes the earth 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds to travel round the sun. Over a period of centuries an extra day was added to the calendar, to make up the difference. The Gregorian calendar set in motion only having an extra day every 4th year. It was the Romans who designated the 29th February as ‘Leap Day’.


Has Your Relationship Run Its Course?


Sometimes a relationship has an obvious end, but in other cases one or both of you may be feeling that things are not right, but haven’t been brave enough to walk away. There may be many reasons keeping you together, from children, to finances, a family house and more. But whilst these all need consideration; they are probably not the answer if the love has gone.

If you are really struggling to know what to do, then here are some things to think about:

Are you both unhappy?

Has your partner expressed to you that they are feeling unhappy, or is this something that you are feeling and they are blissfully unaware? Or perhaps you are arguing a lot, are spending less and less time together, are pulling in different directions etc?


Book Club

Book Club MovieThe Book Club film is released in the UK on the 1st June by Paramount Pictures and has an all-star cast featuring Jane Fonda (our cover star this month), Diane Keaton, Candice Bergen and Mary Steenburgen.

As you might imagine from the film title ‘Book Club’ the four stars play friends that meet regularly for a book club, where they bond over literature. That is until one day when Vivian played by Fonda suggests they mix things up a bit by reading ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’!

Whatever you might think about the premise of the Fifty Shade trilogy, in terms of the writing quality or the films. There is no doubt that few things have created quite such a phenomenon in popularity for adults in modern times. So, I suppose it is natural a film has been created about the phenomena itself. (more…)

Valentine’s on a Budget

Valentine's DayValentine’s Day is here again, and there is nothing better than the feeling of love. However, Valentine’s Day does bring with it the issue of money and gift buying. Just how much should you spend? If money is tight, does that mean you love them any less?

In 2017, the UK spent a whopping £713 million on Valentine’s Day. It was found that there was a peak in spending on the weekend prior to the 14th February. As a result, ‘Red Saturday’ was coined. A massive £69 million was spent on flowers and a further £42 million on chocolates. Research found that £77m went towards buying a loved one jewellery, while one in every £8 spent went on a romantic getaway.

But if you are not flush with cash, then there are many ways to say ‘I Love You’ without the need for a string quartet or breaking the bank… (more…)

Collateral Beauty

Collateral Beauty Movie PosterUnusually for a big film with a star-studded cast there hasn’t been a huge amount of information released about the movie – Collateral Beauty, which is out in the UK on the 26th December, but from what I have read I think it is set to be a poignant tear-jerker.

Will Smith plays a once-successful businessman, having suffered a terribly personal tragedy; he falls into a deep depression. His friends played by Edward Norton, Kate Winslet and Michael Peña  rally around him, but even with their support and a passing of time he is unable to move forward. At this point with no clue as to what to do, he begins to write things down. He writes letters, but they are not too anybody, but are written in the abstract to things like ‘time’, ‘love’ and ‘death’.

The surprising twist in the film without giving too much away is that they write back! Helen Mirren plays death, Jacob Latimore is time and Keira Knightley stands for love… (more…)

Happy Couples

Love LogoEveryone knows a happy couple; there the couple that make being in a relationship look easy. From the outside looking in, it doesn’t seem to be an effort for them – they genuinely revel in each other’s company, they champion each other and they are their own support network. But don’t let looks deceive you, the chances are it didn’t come easy – they just put the work in!

So just what makes a happy couple…

• It might sound obvious, but happy couples share values. As the saying goes ‘opposites attract’ and that can make for a happy union if your personalities complement each other and you share common interests and have similar values. Having loads of differences about marriage, work, money, children etc. will rarely work in the long-term. You want to know that you are striving for the same end goals and that you are at similar life stages if not ages.

• Communication – it’s like a ‘dirty’ word, let’s be honest – some of us are better at communicating than others. We are all guilty of blaming our partner for ‘not talking’ when sometimes we are sending mixed messages, “I’m fine”, rarely means we are actually fine! But in reality if you don’t communicate well during good times, things are only going to get tougher when life throws you a curve…Happy couples keep talking and don’t let things get to a point of anger and resentment.

• Happy couples don’t take each other for granted. It is so easy to talk about, but not so easy to carry out. Once the excitement of new relationships has calmed and the humdrum of life has taken over, it is all too easy to take your relationship for granted. It’s important to take time for each other, don’t assume just because you have been together for a long time that you know everything about them. People grow over time and their hopes, dreams and desires move with them. Keep checking that you are moving together in new directions not apart.

• Couples that live in harmony are well aware of each other’s faults – but love each other in spite of them. It is nice when one of them stretches outside of their comfort zone, but on a day to day basis they will be accepting of each other’s differences. Above all they will not try to change their partner’s ways.

• Lastly, do not underestimate affection. Happy couples tend to be tactile – they make good eye contact, they kiss, they hug, they hold hands…All of this brings closeness, and a general life happiness that is hard to achieve in any other way.

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