Psychic Category


PalmistryMany say that the eyes are the window to a person’s soul, but a palm reader would not agree! Palmistry dates back 1000+ years and can be traced to India and China although many cultures and countries adopted the practice. Palmistry is mentioned in Sanskrit, Vedic and Semitic ancient texts. Palm reading did not become popular in Europe until the eighteenth century, often practised by gypsies and today is still often associated with gypsy fortune telling.

Palmistry studies the lines, texture and shape of the hand, as well as the fingers, knuckles, wrists and joints. Every human hand is unique, no two palm prints or finger prints are the same. Carl Jung (one of the founders of psychoanalysis) believed that palmistry is the outward appearance of the secrets that we try to hide. (more…)

Psychic Abilities Explained

Psychic Abilities ExplainedBroadly speaking there are four different categories of psychic ability. None of them are better than the other – just different. Most psychics find they naturally lean to one or two of these talents.

Clairvoyance is probably the most widely known skill and it means “clear seeing”, it describes the ability to see spirit forms either in the minds eye or as a materialisation.

Clairsentience meaning “clear feeling” is the ability to tune into other peoples emotional or psychical distress just as if it were happening to them. This can also be looked on as highly tuned intuition. (more…)

Improve Your Psychic Ability Through Fun Games

Psychic AbilitiesDeveloping psychic abilities takes plenty of time and practice, there are fun games available though that will make this process seems much more enjoyable.

Remote Viewing is the ability to see distant places and people using the power of your mind. To try practicing this ability there are a few games a psychic can play.

In the first game the budding clairvoyant will try to picture what a friend or family member is wearing before they meet them. They should try to picture not only the type of clothes but also the colour. Once you have met your friend it will be easy to validate how accurate you are.

The second game is similar to the first however this time it involves places rather than people. The psychic student should try picturing a destination before arriving there. Try to picture what colour the walls are, what the doors look like, what furniture is in the room etc. (more…)

Tarot Readings with Telephone Psychics

Tarot CardsTarot reading has grown to become one of the most popular forms of psychic reading. There are 78 cards of which there are 22 major arcana cards and 56 minor arcana. Tarot cards can be spread out in a number of ways. The Celtic Cross pattern is one of the best known, the Romany draw is also among the popular spreads. In recent years many new card decks have evolved, Angel & Animal being just two of many. Remember you can ask the reader what type of cards they are using and what cards refer to what events in your life that they are predicting.

Tarot readers are very well equipped for telephone readings as they have a physical entity showing specific pictures and themes. It is the cards on which their instincts can be placed. Clients that are familiar with tarot can discuss which cards have been spread before the reader.

Each Tarot card has its own specific meaning; Tarot Readers can predict future events by interpreting a spread of cards as well as accurately describing your past. This interpretation is often clairvoyant or psychic in nature and so plays a major part in any reading. Tarot is a particularly good method to use for relationship readings as they are often quite specific and can show an accurate turn of events.

If you are interested in a Tarot reading, you might like to pick from one of our below readers. There are more readers listed on our website that offer Tarot readings:

Aelissa, PIN: 4444 I have been reading Tarot cards for many years; to me it is the most versatile reader tool. I find timescales are more accessible and probably outcomes are more clear during a Tarot reading and I am more able to find reasons and causes behind issues.

Mary, PIN: 5055 I have a natural ability of making people feel calm and relaxed. I work with spirit, angel and animal guides and can connect with loved ones if requested. I am direct and honest. I do not predict as it is both controlling and limiting on the client and I also work with Tarot cards. My goal is to help people find solutions. I believe that people have their own free will and have to take responsibility for their own choices. I have the insight and can get right into the heart of the situation.

Meg, PIN: 1221 Being Tarot Adept allows me to look at your situation and read specifically for you. I will always give you the truth and always help you find the way forward. I read with love and compassion and I look forward to stepping into your journey and joining you for a bit of the way.

Tasseomancy or Tasseography

tea leaveasTasseomancy is the art of divining the future using tea leaves. This ancient art originated in China and then in the mid 1800’s spread to the Western world by nomadic gypsies.

The process consists of loose leaf tea such as Ceylon being poured into a cup and drunk by the person whose fortune is being read. When there is little more than a small mouthful left the cup is held in the left hand and the liquid is swirled three times in a clockwise motion. Then the cup is placed upside down on a saucer and the remaining liquid is poured out, the tea cup should be placed right side up with the handle facing towards you, the tea leaves that are to be read remain stuck to the inside of the cup including the rim, the sides and the bottom. If done correctly the formation of leaves should have providing patterns and symbols to be interpreted. (more…)

The Elephant Man – Speaks from Beyond the Grave

Through Our Eyes - The spirit of Joseph Merrick - The Elephant Man Lives on BookA psychic friend of mine, Stephen, together with his three friends Roger, Jon and Corinne have written a rather unusual and wonderful book about Joseph Merrick – known during his lifetime as “The Elephant Man”. The book is called, Through Our Eyes and it tells an incredible story of the uncanny events which led to the four of them coming together for the first time in Newquay, Cornwall from different backgrounds and the spiritual journey they’ve taken since the 1980’s when they first came into contact with the spirit of Joseph Merrick seemingly by chance when they were experimenting with a Ouija board and then later Stephen went into trance and verbally channelled him during many sessions over several years; all sessions were recorded. The information they received was unprecedented regarding not only the true story of Joseph’s life from the man himself, but other fascinating insights into a vast range of subjects ranging from details of the spirit life beyond the grave, to the pyramids, Avalon, past lives and much more. I found it a truly marvellous book which was easy to read and I feel will be understood by psychically gifted and non-psychic readers alike. Personally I was moved by Joseph Merrick’s personal story and more so, by his beautiful soul and personality. The four authors came to regard him as a close friend, he was their guide. I loved this book, drank its contents as thirstily as someone who finds an oasis after days of travelling through a scorching desert…wanted more.

There are a few intriguing accounts of sessions channelling “Ruby” (with the help of their guide Joseph) who is living in the future, the year 2350, more than 300yrs from now. Sound far-fetched? I thought so before I fully read the chapters and found it eerily plausible. See for yourself.  The four friends also discovered to their amazement that they had shared past lives with Joseph. The book describes the life that two of them had in Victorian London as young boys when Joseph was connected to them. The authors have validated the place names mentioned from old maps of the slum areas of London. They have been thorough in their research and found some physical artefacts too. There’s a curious Indian rupee coin among other things which they’ve been directed to find.


The Forgotten Forms of Divination


Ouiji Board

When the average person thinks of fortune telling, they might imagine somebody peering into a crystal ball and receiving visions of the future. Or they might conjure up an image of a tarot card reader, coming up with a clearer and clearer picture of events that have yet to pass as each card is turned over. There are many forms of divination, though, a lot of them now obscure and hardly practised.

Astragalomancy is one such form. It involves throwing dice, each with a different pattern on each of its sides, into the air and then reading the future from how they fall. It is similar to Tarot Reading in some ways; each pattern has separate meanings to the others, but they only form a full picture when laid alongside the rest of the dice.


Introductions to Psychic Visions – Sensory Deprivation

Throughout the entirety of history, people have attempted to induce visions of the future in either themselves or others. Without weather satellitesPsychic Visions to provide predictions for the upcoming hours, days or weeks, visions were used to help ships navigate, tell farmers when to plant crops or even foretell how the life of a newborn child would pan out.

Although most people may think of ancient tribal shamans, witchdoctors or prophets, possibly digesting all manner of stranger herbs and mushrooms whilst dancing around fires, when talking about ancient peoples attempting to receive visions of the future, they may be surprised to find that followers of Pythagoras were trained to receive visions, and through methods which didn’t require bizarre natural or alchemical combinations. By trekking to the furthest recesses of caves, they would sit in the darkness and wait. Eventually, when the blackness around them became absolute and meaningless, they would begin to experience bursts of colours and shapes that they could interpret and form into a prediction. This sort of sensory deprivation has been going on throughout history, and is still used today by many psychics. (more…)

Using a Psychic To Find a Lost Pet

According to research carried out by TNS for Pet Food Manufacturers Association (PFMA) in 2010 one in two UK households owns a petWoman with Dog representing about 24 million animals excluding fish. Dogs and cats top the list with about 8 million each owned by families around the country. Companionship and Love were among the top reasons for keeping a pet at 27% and 31% respectively.

So it comes as no surprise that it is an extremely sad and distressing time when one of your beloved pet goes missing. Generally, the most common domestic pet to go AWOL is a cat, largely due to the nature of how a cat lives. Easily coming and going from their owner’s house, it is simple to see how so many do go missing each year. This is not to say it makes it any easier when it does happen. Any family pet becomes a member of the family, often becoming increasingly close to the children in the family. This makes it even harder if the pet goes missing. How do you explain this to young children and how can you possibly sit by and let go without doing anything?


Interpreting Your Dreams

Some people remember their dreams so vividly that what happens can feel very real whilst others only manage vague recollections. WhilstWoman Asleep everyone dreams, there are conflicting theories as to why; but one thing that is agreed is that dreams occur whilst we are in the stages of Rapid Eye Movement (REM). It is at this time our body muscles go into temporary paralysis and our brain activity heightens. We have the ability to dream about an infinite amount of subjects but there are some subjects likely to occur more often than others.

‘Falling’ dreams have a tendency to reoccur for many people and this can mean the dreamer is experiencing financial difficulties or is in fear of losing respect or status, conversely, if you dream of flying then good things could be happening to you and can symbolize great fortune in your life and a feeling of liberation from recent events. (more…)

Premium Rate 0906 111 3030

Calls Cost £1.50 per minute plus your phone company's access charge. Calls are recorded and for entertainment, 18+ only.Readings paid for via your phone bill are restricted to 26 minutes each call. Customer Care Line: 0113 732 0620. View full terms & conditions.

US & Canada Toll-Free 1-800 765 192

The service is only for credit card readings. Calls cost £32.95 for the first 20 minutes, £1.50 per minute thereafter – tax included. Charged in sterling (GBP). Maximum 90 minutes. View full terms & conditions.

International +44 113 732 062

The service is only for credit card readings. Calls cost £32.95 for the first 20 minutes, £1.50 per minute thereafter – tax included. Charged in sterling (GBP). Maximum 90 minutes. View full terms & conditions.