Psychic Category

Karen, PIN: 5791

KarenI started to realise I was gifted in my teenage years, I always felt different. I had a caring attitude to people and I sensed things were going to happen before they did. I realised as I grew older, that I could heal people and bring comfort with messages of love from the other side of life.

It was always confirmed later that I was correct – I knew that I would have three children and a difficult path in life. In 1990 I was told my mother would be going to spirit and I was told to spend time with her by my late father. My father passed in 1979 but tells me jokes as he did when alive, they don’t lose their personality only the physical body. (more…)

The Real Faeries at Midsummer

FaeriesYes faeries are real. They were created from the heart of God the same as the angels were. Faeries are God’s guardian angels of nature and they ensure the health and safety of animals, plants and Mother Earth. They are clairsentient beings able to sense human emotion and are affected by it. The word fairy derives from the old French faerie, which means ‘enchantment’. My spelling of faerie here is generally recognized at the present time to be the spelling used when referring to the serious study of elemental, magical beings. Other spellings, such as fairy, usually refer to a kind of imaginary fairy in a trivial or childlike sense; Tinkerbell is the stereotypical image. However the inhabitants of Faerie Land are very numerous and varied indeed. What do faeries look like? The answer varies drastically with the type of faery you are dealing with, but they are generally small, from several inches to about three feet high. There are a few faery spirits who have the ability to take temporary human form and size and there are even faeries classified as giants. (more…)

Ellie, PIN: 1180

EllieMy name is Ellie; I work as a Clairvoyant, Medium, Psychic, Dream Interpreter and Soul/Aura reader. I live up in the Mountains of North Cyprus with my two grown up children and the Animal Kingdom. I find living rural to be peaceful and finding peace helps my spiritual life. The more at peace and relaxed the psychic is, the more the veil uplifts and enables us to see more in-depth. (more…)

Twin Flames

twin flamesTwin Flames are documented by Aristophanes in Plato’s Symposium, stating that humans originally consisted of two people within one body – one head but with two faces, four arms and four legs and that they were very happy in this state. However it is thought that Zeus (King of the Gods) feared their happiness and confidence and so in an act of revenge he split each human in two, leaving them forever searching for the other half that would make them feel complete. (more…)

A Poem by Joanna, PIN: 4567

JoannaA Poem by Joanna, PIN: 4567


Love Connection

follow the connection

of loves energy

that’s where we are

supposed to be

give space to negative

feelings to find its way to


believe in yourself

and feeling good

life is survival

without love


Joanna’s Profile


Hi, my name is Joanna – when you have a reading with me you will be able to see through my eyes to make better decisions; to bring about positive solutions to your problems. The insight flows through the connection, allowing you to attain higher spiritual knowledge.

I have taught Tarot and gained a certificate in Esoteric studies, I have also taken part in research for The University of Paranormal. Your mind contains your life learning, experiences, thoughts and feelings. Together we can access the universal flow of energy ‘Life Force’. I also use my clairvoyant ‘seeing’, clairsentient ‘sensing’ and clairaudient ‘hearing’ abilities throughout my readings.

I am a firm believer in meditation; the mind space allows us to distance ourselves from negative energy so that we can be more positive and stay focused on feeling good in ourselves and about our lives. Negative energy can make us feel very vulnerable, and we are likely to attract people and situations that are negative too unless we can break the cycle.

When you are enlightened, your senses are heightened and you feel more evolved and more ready to take on life’s challenges and find solutions for positive outcomes.

Love & Light


Ametrine Crystal

Ametrine is an unusual stone, it occurs in quartz when amethyst and Citrine reside in the same crystal. The stones are mainly located in the Anahi Mine in Bolivia,Ametrine Stone
but recently a small amount have also been mined in the Brazilian state of Bahia.

The small amount of places it can be found make the gemstone rare and its combination of Amethyst and Citrine make every stone unique in composition. This colour zoning also make it a powerful stone for a higher psychic awareness and spiritual enlightenment.


I Saw an Angel, by Alison McAulay

Angel Wings and HaloWe all have angels looking after us. I saw an angel in miniature, in black and white, like a little video playing. It was talking to me but I could not hear it. It looked just like they do on the Christmas cards, and androgynistic. Yeah, yeah, you may think, but yes it really did happen and I had it confirmed by a medium. I was living alone, and going through a particularly bad time in my life. (more…)

April Birthstone & Flower

The traditional birthstone for April is Diamond. The word diamond is taken from the Greek word “adamas” meaning hardest metal. The diamond is a member of the carbon family and is a precious stone remarkable for its extreme hardness. Diamonds are primarily mined for in USA, Brazil, Russia, Australia and Ghana and are usually colourless or tinted yellow.

The properties of the April birthstone are clarity, balance and abundance. It has long been thought that the diamond has healing properties particularly in relation to brain diseases, drawing out toxins and as a remedy to poison. The diamond is also associated with increasing inner strength and enhancing relationships. (more…)

Spirit Ball Protects

Spirit BallIn Europe in earlier centuries people wanted protection from the Evil Eye. This was done with an image of a staring eye and a small mirror; the hostile eye would see its own reflection and be defeated by evil rebounding onto itself.

However as a single mirror could only be pointed in one direction, this was not a foolproof solution, as the evil eye could enter from another direction rendering the image and mirror useless.

The solution to this problem was the witches’ ball, a coloured glass sphere that could reflect the eye from any and all directions. (more…)

6th Sense

6th SenseDr Trisha Stratford a neuropsychotherapist has conducted research atSydney’sUniversityofTechnologyto prove that sixth sense between two people does exist.

Dr Stratford is considered an expert in brain behaviour and has spent 5 years monitoring couples interactions in a non physical manner. She has established that despite the lack of physical contact, two people can become physiologically aligned with parts of their nervous systems beating harmoniously. This gives us insight not just to the way people interact with each other including falling in love. (more…)

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The service is only for credit card readings. Calls cost £32.95 for the first 20 minutes, £1.50 per minute thereafter – tax included. Charged in sterling (GBP). Maximum 90 minutes. View full terms & conditions.