Psychic Category


Hand throwing diceCleromancy is the art of divining your future using dice, ancient Greeks used dice for both gambling and divination purposes and it was them that popularised the use of a 6 sided die as opposed to four sided ones used previously.

Rules to follow:

Use two or three dice
Only use dice for divining reasons once per week
Do not throw dice on Wednesdays or Mondays
If you are asking a question of a personal nature – get someone else to throw the dice for you
Throw the dice in silence
Before you begin draw a circle about the diameter of a standard ruler (30cm), to cast the dice in to, it doesn’t matter what you draw on to as long as the surface is even.

Using the circle:

Only add the value of any dice that fall inside the circle (dice that fall outside indicate separations or arguments).
You may choose not to add up dice that land on top of each other – they usually signify that you should ignore an opportunity you have been presented with.
If you find that the dice throw continually outside of the circle you should conclude that now is not a good time for a reading.

Interpreting the numbers (bear in mind that some numbers can only occur if some of the dice fall outside of the circle):

1 – This means ‘yes’

2 – This means ‘no’

3 – A modest surprise may occur or some good fortune will follow

4 – Disappointing news may follow; your current situation will hit complications

5 – Your life will be enhanced by a new and pleasing relationship

6 – You risk losing those that you take for granted, value what and who you have in your life

7 – You run the risk of your secrets becoming gossip if you entrust the wrong people

8 – You could become a scapegoat in a situation, even if you are not at fault

9 – Patch up an argument – it is a good time to do so

10 – A new business, venture or relationship will be successful

11 – A poignant separation will occur

12 – Celebrate – good news is on the way

13 – Don’t go ahead with your question in mind; something better is on its way

14 – An emotionally committed relationship is on the cards that will bring happiness

15 – Stand by your principles, don’t risk it – listen to your conscious

16 – A holiday will bring about unexpected benefits

17 – This is a time to be flexible – adapt and put others needs before your own

18 – 3 x 6’s – will bring happiness, joy and great blessings. The answer is ‘yes’ and your heart’s desire will be granted!

Fear – A Psychic Readers Perspective

Abstract FearHaving seen a ghost at the age of eight, I can tell you that fear can be very real, but I can see now why the evidence I saw should not have made me afraid but in fact excited. I often wish I could see it again, but sadly too late, it has never appeared again.

In our daily lives we are often afraid, the butterflies in our stomachs show us we are worried of what’s ahead, and so often when we ignore the fluttering we move on to experience joy and pride in what was at first fear.

A typical example is our first date, a performance on stage, that first day at school, (even Mums are afraid on that day), driving test, wedding day and of course the death of a loved one or even ourselves.

Fear of the unknown, and when it comes to life after ‘life’ many of us fear ‘death’ simply because we do not know what is beyond, mediums will try to bring proof of afterlife, with messages from loved ones, using their abilities to see your current situations with a view to giving guidance.

Each of us has a soul, and when we are afraid our souls are awakened, a new lesson is about to begin, the flutterings appear, short and sweet, or long and traumatic, it always ends one way or another, no lesson is forever.

Facing your fears, means understanding there are lessons in life that can be overcome with the right guidance, our own souls know the answer if we listen. How often has your inner intuition told you the right thing to do?

When you come to understand that no lesson is forever your fear will reduce. You will be able to experience the happening on a different level, knowing that it will end.

Even life on earth ends, but of course that is the whole point because life on earth is one big lesson, and when we have learned what we came to experience we shall go home, living on with a much greater knowledge, without fear but with understanding.

An acronym for fear is Face Everything And Rebound, some lessons are hard, some exciting, some heart-breaking but if we Face everything and rebound we will be living life as we were meant to, learning as we go along our pathway of life.

If you need to face your fears, why not turn to a Psychic Sight Reader to guide you through the process?


Gabriel PSGabriel

Archangel Gabriel is one of the two highest ranking angels. He is best known for coming to Mary and informing her that she would be giving birth to Jesus. It is also believed that he helped Joan of Arc with her campaign. In Judaism it is said that Gabriel parted the Red Sea so that the Hebrews could escape and in Islam it is told that Gabriel dictated the Koran to Mohammed. The meaning of Gabriel is ‘God is my strength’.

Gabriel is the Archangel of guidance and can help in all aspects relating to this. For instance, he can help you to find your true calling or life purpose, or give help on such issues as a new career, relationship or family. He can also help with purification; such as if you have negative thoughts, are in a negative environment or have been abused.

As with all angels, if you want his help you just need to call him by name and ask him for what you want. Crystals connected with Archangel Gabriel are Tanzanite, Iolite, Lapis Lazuli and Blue Calcite, he is also connected with the lily and with the colours white and indigo. His day is celebrated on 29th September.


Michael is probably the best known of all the Archangels. He is often shown carrying a sword. In the bible he rescued Daniel from the lions and he is also referred to in the Islamic and Jewish religions, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and many other beliefs.

Michael is the Archangel of protection, courage and strength, and, truth and integrity and can be called upon to help you in these circumstances. As with all angels, he cannot help until asked to, either by the person involved or a person who cares about them. All that is necessary is to ask for his help and then he can step in and give aid.

Many people have reported miracles when they ask Archangel Michael for help. He can protect us physically, emotionally and psychically in any situation where we don’t feel safe. Similarly in those situations where you need more courage to face the circumstances you find yourself in, such as ill health or mental strain, or where truth and honesty is involved, such as when you find it hard to tell the truth or accept the truth, he can easily be called upon to help.

Working as a spiritual medium all over the country

JohnI had already started hearing things as a youngster, but my first experience of seeing spirit or spirit energy as some people call it was when I was 19 years old. I was in the middle of a field with no houses nearby and no noise, when I saw an image of an elderly lady as clear as anything, but then quick as a flash she disappeared just out of sight. I thought it was my eyes, but found out three days later that the lady had passed over two days earlier to the spirit world, and that she used to walk her dogs in the field that I had been in.

When I was 30 I had a near death experience leaving me paralysed for over 3 months. It wasn’t until I was in the intensive care unit of my local hospital that I saw a nun, I was in and out of sleep but I looked up and saw this nun, and I thought that I had died…But when I looked up again she had gone, and I didn’t think anything more of it!

It wasn’t until much later in my life that I found out that this lady was my healing guide, I have only met her once and have never seen her again, but I know that she works alongside me.

Working as a spiritual medium all over the country and abroad, has brought me so much pleasure, knowing that I can bring people closer to their loved ones that have departed to the spirit world. It has not only bought happiness, but has assisted me and given me more knowledge so that I can guide others to move on when the time comes.

Listening to people has been a learning experience; this in part is why I became a spiritual minister – doing funerals and weddings, not only for spiritual people but for other people as well, which I really enjoy. I also teach others what I have learnt from my teachers by holding workshops and running a spiritual centre.

I will always remember what someone told me, a long time ago:
We are conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments, but great moments often catch us unaware-beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one, people may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel.

My life outside spirit work revolves around looking after my dog and parrot who are both rescued; and raising money for animal charities which is another passion of mine.

John (PIN: 5152)

Michaela’s Life Story (PIN: 3232)

Michaela cropped
Michaela had her first spiritual experience at the age of four and has had many such experiences for more than thirty years, but it was not until the late 1990’s that she decided to use her abilities to support others by becoming a psychic Tarot reader.

Before each reading begins Michaela asks her Spirit Guides and Guardians to assist her with each client and thanks them for their guidance. Through her psychic abilities and using her Tarot cards, Michaela has aided many people in difficulties with family members, love and relationships, friendships, bosses & work colleagues and financial worries.

Michaela is equally supportive to those who are looking for a new beginning in romance, moving house or new opportunities in work & business.

Michaela strongly believes that her life experience has been greatly beneficial in improving the quality of her readings and in understanding the needs of people which has made her a very compassionate reader.

At the age of thirty-one and in one day Michaela had lost everything she held dear, her life was in tatters; without warning or discussion her fiancé ended the relationships and removed her from what she considered to be their home. She had lost her partner, her home, her job in his business, her purpose and her identity. Ten months later he married Michaela’s best friend!

Michaela refused to drown in self-pity and a sense of betrayal, instead she rebuilt her life…She found a new home, went back to college, found new friends, started dating and found a new purpose. It was a huge turning point in her life. She found herself reaching out and assisting others which expanded her world enormously. She explored art for the first time – her new life was exciting and rewarding.

Michaela’s philosophy is that with every loss comes strength and a better perception of life. Life is precious and should not be taken for granted…make every minute meaningful.

The deaths of two young cousins aged sixteen and seventeen in a car accident had a profound effect upon Michaela. She comforted their mothers and fathers. The sight of such overwhelming heartache has made Michaela a very compassionate reader, especially when reading for the bereaved.

Equally Michaela can easily sympathise and empathise with those who have sickness and those who care for sick loved ones. Michaela cared for her terminally sick father for two years watching him slowly deteriorate. Today Michaela celebrates his life. He was also a psychic and a natural contemplative and Michaela has adopted his belief that the truth is always the most helpful.

When a young relative died of an accidental drug overdose, Michaela’s family were devastated, so when a close friend admitted that she had an alcohol problem, Michaela was determined to support her friend and so offered to accompany her to a self-help group for addicts. Michaela realised that her knowledge was limited and therefore her assistance was limited so she decided to increase that knowledge, she now attends a self-help group for the family and friends of addicts. Her friend is now sober and healthy.

Michaela respects the various beliefs of those who contact her and does not try to persuade them to change those beliefs as she thinks that each belief is sacred to the individual. Those that believe in the power of Angels may request a reading using Angel cards and Michaela will be happy to do this for them.

In the last two years Michaela feels that her spirituality has deepened and developed considerably, she has had more spiritual experiences and she believes that this is for the benefit of all who contact her. Michaela feels that her work is facilitated by daily meditation and that by reaching out spirituality she is able to assist others by delivering a practical reading.

Through her psychic abilities, spiritual experience and life experiences Michaela gives readings which provide information to her clients allowing them to make better decisions and have happier lives. Experience has taught her that even in the most challenging of circumstances positivity can come from it and she shares her positivity with all who contact her.

The Wisdom of Near Death Experiences, by Dr Penny Satori

Wisdom of Near Death ExperiencesDr Penny Satori worked as a nurse in a hospital for 21 years, 17 of those years were spent caring for people in intensive care. One of her patients had a profound effect on her, she was caring for him the night before he died; he had a prolonged and uncomfortable death – something that Penny found so upsetting she considered giving up nursing. Instead she searched for courses on how to care for patients dying in intensive care, when she came up empty she began reading all she could about death.

Part of her research led her to Near Death Experiences (NED), her rational scientific brain said that these were just patients hallucinating, but curiosity prevailed and after many years of collecting data and analysing it she was awarded a PHD.

In her own works Dr Satori says “There have been many misconceptions about the research that I have conducted. The biggest misconception is that I am investigating life after death. I would like to make it clear that this is not what I have been researching. I am trying to gain a greater understanding of the dying process so that care for dying patients can be improved. This has relevance to us all – we are all going to die and I know I don’t want to go through what that man I looked after went through.”

“What I found with my research was that some people reported experiences while they were deeply unconscious or their hearts had stopped beating. How can people, whose hearts have stopped and by current definitions are clinically dead, report clear, lucid, well-structured experiences when their brains are not fully functional?”

In her book – The Wisdom of Near Death Experiences, she explores what a brush with death can teach us about how we live…The book challenges our preconceptions about the effects that near-death experiences have on the living. The book looks beyond the science through case studies, anecdotal evidence and documented research to demonstrate that NDE have much insight to empower us to live more fulfilled and meaningful lives.

“When I began my research I naively thought I’d have the answers to all of my questions. The reality is that I don’t have all the answers and my research has raised far more questions than it has answered. I have no option other than to remain open minded and explore all possibilities that may lead me to the answers.”

Fall in Love for Life, by Barbara ‘Cutie’ Cooper

Fall in Love for LifeIf you are struggling in a relationship, or just wondering what the secrets are to a long and happy partnership, then you could read Barbaba ‘Cutie’ Cooper’s memoir – Fall in Love for Life. She was married to her husband ‘Harry’ for 73 years and with the help of her granddaughters jotted down her pearls of wisdom.

In this memoir meets relationship advice book, 94-year-old Cutie Cooper chronicles the challenges and triumphs of her seven decade-long marriage and then pulls out sage tips and actionable advice on the art of fighting fair, knowing if you’ve met ‘the one,’ raising children while maintaining your sense of self, and everything else that goes into staying blissfully bonded. In a world of 72-day celebrity marriages, a 73-year marriage is nearly unimaginable. Against all odds, (more…)

The Year of the Horse

horse_year02.cdrChinese New Year starts on 31st January 2014; this year is celebrated as the Year of the Horse. People with birthdays in the below date ranges are said to have been born in the ‘Year of the Horse’: (more…)

Psychic Reader, Mary – PIN 5055

MaryI was three days old when I started the first stage of my journey to become a professional psychic. The first step of that stage was taken by someone else who was unwittingly acting upon my behalf. This was the person who had left me at a railway station. That first step resulted in me living an institutional life for 18 years. By the time I reached that age I was unaware of what growing up in a happy and caring environment where I was wanted and loved, was like. (more…)

Psychic Twins

We all have the ability to strengthen our psychic abilities but some are more innately talented than others. Over the years there has been a particular focus on twins and the abilities they may have over us mere single borns when it comes to extra sensory abilities, especially between themselves.

There have certainly been some strange happenings with twins. A four year old girl burnt her hand whilst her identical twin, which was nowhere near the heat, had an identical blister in the same place. A grown man found himself slouched in his arm chair and struggled to move for a while, unbeknownst to him, his twin brother, who lived thirty miles away, had been shot dead. One pair of twin sisters were that in tune with each other that despite them living in separate countries found that one day they had bought the exact pair of trousers from the same retail chain on the same day. The very same twins, whilst one was in labour, the other found she had dreamt she was holding a baby, totally unaware that her sister had gone into labour (due to the time differences). (more…)

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The service is only for credit card readings. Calls cost £32.95 for the first 20 minutes, £1.50 per minute thereafter – tax included. Charged in sterling (GBP). Maximum 90 minutes. View full terms & conditions.