Lifestyle Category

Intermittent Fasting

The Fast Diet BookIt is fair to say that there are several times of year that really make us think about weight – in the New Year as part of resolutions having indulged in lots of food and drink over Christmas and in the summer when the weather is making us shake off our layers and think about bearing all in our swimming costumes!

Along with these changing seasons it is also fair to say that there is always a new diet on the block, low fat, low carb, blood type, Atkins, Dukan – you name it…But now there is a new kid on the block with the catchy name of Intermittent Fasting, hot on the trend several books have been published and well publicised with television programmes, newspaper articles and shop presence. Such as The 5:2 Diet Book, The 2 Day Diet and The Fast Diet, all based on the same premise of fasting for two days and eating normally for the other five to achieve weight loss and a whole host of other benefits. (more…)

Schools Out For Summer!

Schools Out For SummerIf you have children it seems inevitable that at some point during school holidays those four dreaded words will be spoken “ARE WE THERE YET”. You could be going on a day trip or you could be going on holiday, maybe you have to take the car, a bus, a coach, a train, a boat, a plane or even a combination. Depending on the age of your children technology may help you – back seat DVD player, Nintendo DS anyone? But what if you have younger children, or you are camping or you just want a technology free break…Here’s some ideas that might keep them entertained and give you the little bit of peace and quiet you have been after: (more…)

A Summer of Sport

Andy MurrayI have to say that I much prefer doing sports to watching sports, but the Olympics got the nation hooked and July 2013 brings plenty of sporting activity to suit every personality.

Starting with Tennis – people descend in their droves (500,000 spectators and millions of TV viewers) to South West London every summer come rain or shine for two weeks of tennis, queuing and strawberries & cream.

Wimbledon is one of four annual Grand Slam tournaments; it is played on a grass surface and there is a strict white only dress code for players, it is one of the most prestigious events and the world’s longest running in the tennis calendar. (more…)

Glastonbury Festival 2013

Glastonbury Pyramid StageAs I write this article a gorgeous bank holiday weekend of just the right amount of sun and light breeze has taken place. Being British you can’t help but wonder was that summer? I certainly hope not as for anyone visiting the Glastonbury Festival or any festival in the UK for that matter this year will know that it will be much better if the sun is shining and the ground is dry! (more…)

Tired All The Time

Man SleepingI’m sure you realise that Doctors use shorthand to describe patient’s symptoms in their notes, and one such acronym is TATT meaning Tired All The Time. According to NHS stats one in five of us feels like this all of the time and one in ten of us suffer long term problems as a result. Of course there are medical reasons why we might feel like this – vitamin deficiencies, hormonal issues etc. that should be tested by your GP with blood tests. But for many of us it will be the way we live our lives that leaves us feeling drained and there are things we can do to beat the slump: (more…)

Stop being Board!

Stop Being BoardPerhaps you are wondering what on earth got me thinking about board games in the first place. Maybe it is the recession and the need to find cheaper entertainment, maybe the left over games that inevitably get taken out for Christmas but not really taken seriously the rest of the year or maybe it is a backlash against the ever increasing electronic world we live in and a desire to connect to something a bit more nostalgic that doesn’t need electricity! (more…)

Fear is My Friend, by Christine Wenham

YOLOFrom this day forward I absolutely refuse to let fear stop me from what I want to do in life!

If you feel the same then repeat this in the mirror when you wake up each morning and feel the positive vibes from the universe emerge into your life – “Fear is my friend” which simply means to acknowledge it for what it truly is. You need to grasp the concept that you know you need to change and you are the bigger person. Fear cannot hold you back anymore. Live your life, and sometimes you need to remember “YOLO” – meaning You Only Live Once. (more…)

How Will Your Luck Fair in 2013?

2013Whether you are superstitious or not, being dealt a ‘13’ can make you think you are unlucky.  Most of us can go about our daily lives without necessarily bumping into the number 13; however there are times when we have no choice. Will 2013 be one of those times?

We were all thirteen once, and apart from the start of facial spots, raging hormones and the ‘I’m bored feeling’ it is pretty much like any other year. But what if you are 13 in 2013? I bet parents didn’t consider that in their family planning…

2013 is no different to any other year, it’s still 365 days long, and at least it’s not a leap year! For anybody that suffers from Triskaidekaphobia (the fear of thirteen), this is going to be a tricky year! (more…)

Is Buddhism For You?

Many people believe in God but do not go to church, many hold onto the religion that they were raised in and others will be spiritual in their beliefs but not religious per see.

If you are an in the middle sort of person; you may find it interesting to learn about other pathways. For example Buddhism; their principle includes Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, Refuge in Three Jewels, the Five Precepts and the Three Marks of Conditioned Existence.

Taking each in turn – The Four Noble Truths teach you to understand that life is a suffering; understand that there is a cause for that suffering, know that it is possible to end the suffering and the Noble Eightfold Path is the means to ending the suffering. (more…)

Inspire Good Karma – Let Them Fly…

Stones Balancing

From time to time everyone needs their own space, whether it be your family, friends, partner or even children – do not be afraid to let them be by themselves for a while. The need to tie or secure someone to ourselves normally comes from our own insecurities or fear that they will reject us; but true love in all its forms is not possessive. Allow your relationships to grow with true trust, love and respect and their paths will then never stray far from your own.

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