Mothering Sunday is not on a fixed day each year, but falls on the middle Sunday of Lent, lasting from Ash Wednesday to the day before Easter Sunday. In 2014 it occurs on 30th March. In earlier times the day was referred to as Mid-Lent Sunday (a day in Lent when the fasting rules were relaxed) in honour of feeding the five thousand (a story from the Bible). It has also been called Refreshment Sunday and Pudding Pie Sunday.
Holidays Category
Chinese New Year starts on 31st January 2014; this year is celebrated as the Year of the Horse. People with birthdays in the below date ranges are said to have been born in the ‘Year of the Horse’: (more…)
If you think about it we have some funny traditions to celebrate the coming of the New Year – watching a countdown from 10-1 on the TV, drink in hand, kissing the person next to you, whilst singing a version of Auld Lang Syne and maybe even disturbing your neighbours by opening the doors and banging on a saucepan or two!
But we are not alone; places all over the globe have unique ways of ringing in the New Year: (more…)
My husband and I have had many a self-catering/self-drive holiday and there is something fantastic about being able to pack everything bar the kitchen sink! I’m lucky to have a husband that silently packs the car, knowing full well there are many things that will come back unused, unworn etc. – but he feels that if having the items lower my stress levels and lets us leave home feeling everything is right with the world, then so be it for a stress free holiday. But I know I am lucky – an estate car, a non-grumbling other half and only ourselves to worry about! (more…)
If you have children it seems inevitable that at some point during school holidays those four dreaded words will be spoken “ARE WE THERE YET”. You could be going on a day trip or you could be going on holiday, maybe you have to take the car, a bus, a coach, a train, a boat, a plane or even a combination. Depending on the age of your children technology may help you – back seat DVD player, Nintendo DS anyone? But what if you have younger children, or you are camping or you just want a technology free break…Here’s some ideas that might keep them entertained and give you the little bit of peace and quiet you have been after: (more…)
There are a variety of stories about how Father’s Day came into existence; I thought I would share one of them with you.
Father’s Day came about as a result of Sonora Smart listening to a Mother’s Day sermon.
Her father, William Smart was widowed, after his wife died giving birth to their sixth child. He raised all six children by himself, and as Sonora grew into an adult she realised the courage and selflessness it had taken her father. (more…)
Saint Patrick’s day is on the 17th March 2013 and whilst it’s traditionally an Irish celebration, people to celebrate wherever there is a big Irish community – particular in America, where they will mark the day with symbols of luck, shamrock and anything green & gold. The true meaning is a time-honoured day for spiritual renewal and the offering of prayers for missionaries worldwide. (more…)
There is nothing better than sitting down in front of the telly with a big tin of chocolates for a bit of indulgent laziness at Christmas time. It’s too early to tell what will be on the T.V, but below we have picked out 13 top films guaranteed to get you in the Christmassy mood. There were lots of others that we thought of but we didn’t have the room…Like Santa Clause played by Tim Allen (the cynical toy maker), Disney’s The Nightmare Before Christmas, Jingle All The Way (comedy), older classics like Meet Me In St Louis, White Christmas and Christmas Holiday as well as Millions – where an enormous bag of money falls from the sky (just what we could all do with at this expensive time of year! Anyway no doubt your family will have its own favourite seasonal movies. Everyone at Psychic Sight wishes you a Very Merry Christmas and we will see you in the New Year – hope it is happy, healthy and prosperous for you all. (more…)
Thanksgiving is celebrated in America and is the fourth Thursday in November. In 1863 Abraham Lincoln described Thanksgiving as “fruitful fields and healthful skies”
Americans have a long weekend and plan a feast with family and friends and count their blessing and give gratitude for ‘harmony, liberty and industry across the nation’.
Thanksgiving began when the Plymouth Colony invited the local Wampanoag
Tribe to celebrate harvest with them in 1621. Early pilgrims were helped by the Native Americans to hunt and plant crops in unfamiliar landscapes. (more…)
Halloween may be all about fancy dress and trick or treating now, but you may not realise where some of the traditions and beliefs come from:
Black Cats
Black cats bad reputation dates back to the dark ages, when they were considered to be the ‘familiar’ of witches. Witch hunts were common in this time and elderly solitary women with pet black cats were often accused of witchcraft, the cat symbolised a demonic creature given to them by the devil. Medieval myths say that Satan turned himself into a cat when he socialised with witches. Over time however the myth has turned around and in the UK it is considered good luck if a black cat crosses your path. (more…)