Fear - A Psychic Readers Perspective - Psychic Sight Blog

Fear – A Psychic Readers Perspective

Abstract FearHaving seen a ghost at the age of eight, I can tell you that fear can be very real, but I can see now why the evidence I saw should not have made me afraid but in fact excited. I often wish I could see it again, but sadly too late, it has never appeared again.

In our daily lives we are often afraid, the butterflies in our stomachs show us we are worried of what’s ahead, and so often when we ignore the fluttering we move on to experience joy and pride in what was at first fear.

A typical example is our first date, a performance on stage, that first day at school, (even Mums are afraid on that day), driving test, wedding day and of course the death of a loved one or even ourselves.

Fear of the unknown, and when it comes to life after ‘life’ many of us fear ‘death’ simply because we do not know what is beyond, mediums will try to bring proof of afterlife, with messages from loved ones, using their abilities to see your current situations with a view to giving guidance.

Each of us has a soul, and when we are afraid our souls are awakened, a new lesson is about to begin, the flutterings appear, short and sweet, or long and traumatic, it always ends one way or another, no lesson is forever.

Facing your fears, means understanding there are lessons in life that can be overcome with the right guidance, our own souls know the answer if we listen. How often has your inner intuition told you the right thing to do?

When you come to understand that no lesson is forever your fear will reduce. You will be able to experience the happening on a different level, knowing that it will end.

Even life on earth ends, but of course that is the whole point because life on earth is one big lesson, and when we have learned what we came to experience we shall go home, living on with a much greater knowledge, without fear but with understanding.

An acronym for fear is Face Everything And Rebound, some lessons are hard, some exciting, some heart-breaking but if we Face everything and rebound we will be living life as we were meant to, learning as we go along our pathway of life.

If you need to face your fears, why not turn to a Psychic Sight Reader to guide you through the process?


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