Fear is my friend, by Christine Wenham - Psychic Sight Blog

Fear is My Friend, by Christine Wenham

YOLOFrom this day forward I absolutely refuse to let fear stop me from what I want to do in life!

If you feel the same then repeat this in the mirror when you wake up each morning and feel the positive vibes from the universe emerge into your life – “Fear is my friend” which simply means to acknowledge it for what it truly is. You need to grasp the concept that you know you need to change and you are the bigger person. Fear cannot hold you back anymore. Live your life, and sometimes you need to remember “YOLO” – meaning You Only Live Once.

Do you really want to look back in say five years time, or maybe even in ten years time and think why did I let fear overtake me both mentally and physically away from my ambitions? You can come out stronger than ever, facing difficult challenges. You need to believe you are a beautiful talented soul that can conquer the world one step at a time and to feel that fear is nothing to you. To face challenges, whether they may take a week or even a year takes great strength. Fear is all in the mind and the first step to achieve what you want is to change your mind-set. Think positive, believe in yourself and remember fear will only stop you if you let it.

You can conquer fear every day, the more you believe you can do this the more you will see you can do anything. This is what makes you a stronger person, courage is greater than anything and you can turn your life around…

Embrace the effort and start today. You have the ultimate ability, so remember that. Don’t listen to the voices in your head, they’re not helping. These are the voices that pull you away from your dreams. You wouldn’t let anyone take your dreams away, so you need to ask the question – why are you doing it to yourself? Value your dreams and ambitions and remember fear can’t win over you. It’s okay to be afraid, you are still human, and we all do. Sometimes I get into that position and it takes patience, but over time I remember what I’m worth. It doesn’t necessarily mean you are failing, doing nothing that is true failure. You need to keep at it; keep working at these emotions and you will suddenly feel free once you move forward. One step to success, that’s all that it takes. Are you willing to overcome your fears and the obstacles to become the stronger person I know you are?

Possibly you are reading this and having doubts. Stop! Life is about being all that you can be, being all you can be is your true life purpose. No one can tell you any different. Take time to face these fears, and eventually you’ll lead a better life, mentally and psychically and you won’t regret the steps to achieve it.






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