Angels are frequently depicted as youthful and beautiful beings, symbolising their elevated status. They are commonly adorned in white attire, representing their purity and spirituality.
Frequently mistaken for Cherubim, cherubs or putti (derived from old Italian putto, which means ‘child’) were representations in Classical art of plump, unclothed infant figures, typically male and commonly depicted with wings. Cherubs are often depicted welcoming people to heaven, and they are frequently seen carrying musical instruments.
- Cupid – associated with love and romance.
- Baroque Putto – frequently carved into designs of furniture and architectural features on buildings, they are often gilded in gold for added reverence.
- Memento Mori – as a symbol of innocence, often juxtaposed with a sign of mortality, signifying the transitory and cyclical nature of life.
There is much imagery attached to the way angels are depicted, with spiritual meanings linked to their physical attributes or attire.
- Censer – The scent emanating from censers is believed to transport the prayers of individuals to the heavens. In some depictions, an angel may be shown gently waving the incense towards a sacred figure as a gesture of reverence.
- Halo – The halo symbolises light and divinity. Descriptions of angels frequently depict them as radiant beings or enveloped in a particular aura, often illustrated by a halo encircling their heads.
- Harp – In Heaven, God is surrounded by a multitude of angels known as the ‘heavenly host’. These celestial beings are commonly shown holding musical instruments, such as the harp, representing the harmonious praise they offer to God.
- Wings – The wings of an Angel symbolise its spirituality and close connection to God. They also represent the Angel’s capacity to travel between Heaven and Earth to fulfil God’s will.
Angels Hierarchy
- Archangel Gabriel is often depicted with a trumpet – symbolic of his role as a Herald.
- Archangel Michael is associated with God’s armies of angels and signifies chivalry.
- Archangel Raphael embodies healing and is often seen as the bringer of news.
- Cherubim symbolise a profound understanding of God’s will, indicating wisdom.
- Guardian Angels safeguard an individual, presenting their prayers to God, and offering guidance along life’s path.
- Seraphim hold the highest rank among angels and are positioned closest to God. Four Seraphim soar above God’s throne, singing praises to Him. They represent love and light through their six radiant wings.
- The Seven Archangels (3 mentioned above) significance is evident in the fact that the only angel names mentioned in the Bible belong to them. They serve as powerful conduits of God’s will on Earth by delivering divine messages to humanity.