Do you put off self-care and your general wellbeing based on just not having enough time? What if I told you that the latest research suggests you can make significant changes and improve your health and wellbeing in just 600 seconds or 10 minutes?
It is super easy to talk yourself out of going to the gym, going for a run, changing how you shop/cook etc. as it all takes too much time and effort. But it is difficult to argue that you can’t find 10 minutes!
10-Minute Activities to Try:
Go for a Walk – This isn’t about exercise, so much as about getting fresh air, sunlight, a break from phones and screens and just time to think about nothing and breathe.
Stretch – Choose a position and then hold it for 10-30 seconds. Then move on to a different stretch. Mobilising your body gets you to take a break from sitting. Increases your flexibility and reduces the likelihood of injury. It is also a good starting place to connect your mind with your body. And move towards exercise if you have been living a sedentary lifestyle for a while.
Close Your Eyes – If you’ve read the ‘being still’ article, you will know that your nervous system can be running overtime. Closing your eyes for 10-minutes with no external stimulants can allow things to calm.
More Wellbeing Suggestions:
Exercise – You really can make a difference if you do the right things for 10 minutes. Choose something that improves cardiorespiratory fitness. For example: Skipping, Jumping Jacks, Stair Climbing or a short HIIT routine.
Music – Listening to music can be incredibly uplifting. Make a playlist with a series of songs that last around 10-minutes. You can have different themes for when you need to feel energised or when you need to get into sleep mode. Music can also bring back fantastic memories – many people associate particular events with a song or album; playing these when stressed can be very soothing.
Read – Studies suggest that reading, even for as little as 6-minutes per day, can create a positive impact. It reduces stress and tension, thought to be a result of transporting someone into a fictional world.
Journal – Keeping a gratitude journal or positive diary can boost how you view things. Very often, we tend to look for and remember the negatives in things. Writing down all of the good things that have happened/you’ve noticed reminds you the world can be a fantastic place full of thought and kindness.