If you feel in need of support throughout the festive season, then Archangel Chamuel is a great angel to turn to. Connected to the heart chakra, Chamuel focuses on helping you to develop and nurture loving relationships.
Sometimes having healthy relationships with others, first starts at home, with us learning to accept and love ourselves. Only when we do that, can we feel ready to receive love from others as well as give it wholeheartedly and unreservedly.
Archangel Chamuel is concerned with pure love, that which is given unconditionally, not love given with restrictions or with self-interest in mind. Whether the relationship is romantic, family or friend in nature, it is about taking a journey together with understanding, compassion and emotional intelligence.
Angelic Guidance
The unprecedented times that we find ourselves in, make it easy to take those closest to us for granted. Living in such close quarters can make relations fractious quite quickly. Adding in the pressures that Christmas and New Year can bring, can be a recipe for unhappiness. Archangel Chamuel reminds us to constantly value the loving relationships we have, and reminds us that like a living breathing person the relationship needs nourishment and encouragement to stay healthy and grow.
Chamuel also guides us to build our self-worth and self-confidence, to avoid selfish behaviours and to send away negative thoughts that intrude into our minds. Valuing yourself, and your unique skills and attributes will ignite your inner-happiness.
If you have been left wounded by past relationships, divorce or bereavement. Then opening the heart chakra can be a fearful experience. Ask Chamuel for guidance, and you should feel reassured and uplifted.
This angel has an incredibly protecting quality. Through Chamuel you can gain insights and understanding into your relationships and any discord. You will be better able to express your feelings, more creatively. Letting you share your inner-most thoughts with those that matter the most.