Interpreting dreams is as old as time, once described as nocturnal visions, the communications received were considered to be messages from gods. Many of the dreams we have will be weird and wonderful, and we may only remember snippets of information. You might be surprised how many of us dream of common scenarios and that they have specific Dream Meanings behind them.
Here we explore some of the most common Dream Meanings:
- Most people will experience a sinking or falling dream at some point in their lives. These sensation dreams normally occur when you are feeling overwhelmed in day-to-day life. It literally means you are lacking in support.
- In contrast to a falling dream, is a dream that you are flying. There are many interpretations, depending on how you are flying – on a plane, like a bird etc. But broadly speaking there are two meanings. Either a sense of freedom, or a feeling of needing to escape.
- Experiencing feeling trapped in a dream, can be interpreted in life quite literally. You feel stuck, as though you can’t escape and are struggling to make the right decisions.
- Being naked in a dream, is also very common. The sensations in life it is replicating is one of feeling vulnerable and exposed. It can also mean that you are carrying a secret and that you worry about that secret coming out. Or that you sense your friends are being deceitful.
Running Away
- In your dream if you are running away or even are being chased, then it means that someone or something in life is making you feel threatened, and you really want to get away from the person or situation.
- You might imagine that dreaming of someone dying in a dream is a premonition of some sort, but in actuality it normally means you are coming to terms with something that has happened already, or you are going through a transformation of some kind.
- Dreaming of tests when you are well past exam age, may not think what you imagine. Normally it means that you are inspecting a part of your life (the dream will likely tell you which area). You may be uncertain about something that is upcoming, having a sense of being not ready and unprepared.