Elite Psychic Readers
Each elite psychic reader brings their own unique history, skills and life experience to all of their readings, to help you make a decision about which elite psychic readers are right for you we have asked each of them to provide a short description of their style of psychic reading and how they use their gift to support you in your life journey.
Once you have had a reading we would be very grateful if you would visit our customer feedback page and tell us about your experience, to aid other people in making a decision about the right reader for them.
Our Readers

Adele PIN: 3622
Adele is committed in reinforcing positive feelings, for a better and balanced life. Her aim is that client’s will feel energised and empowered. View profile

Aelissa PIN: 4444
Aelissa is a softly spoken kind hearted and natural clairvoyant with great empathy for everyone she speaks to. View profile

Alice PIN: 6543
Alice’s expertise is in tarot, she's a hypnotherapist and specialises in past life regression. View profile

Angel PIN: 1441
Angel works alongside ascended masters and powerful archangels to harmonise your Ch’i. View profile

Bryony PIN: 2727
Bryony's guidance is based on the reality of life on earth in association with her mentor in spirit. View profile

Ellie PIN: 1180
Ellie feels psychic is a gift the universe has given, and that her mission is to uplift the veil and see what others can't. View profile

Fran PIN: 1133
Fran is a spiritual healer and Reiki Master, who can channel Spirit in an altered state of consciousness (trance). View profile

Jasmine PIN: 5115
Jasmine tunes in quickly and gives amazing insight, straight answers to straight questions. View profile

Joanna PIN: 4567
Joanna loves to work with the Tarot as it can give very specific guidance when people have confusion in their lives. View profile

John PIN: 5152
John with his guide, believes in bringing two worlds together to let people know their loved ones are safe. View profile

Josephine PIN: 4499
Josephine is a proficient energy healer who uses techniques to balance your energy centres, enhancing overall wellbeing. View profile

Karen PIN: 5791
Karen has been blessed with clairvoyance and many people say that she has a very calming influence. View profile

Mariah PIN: 1881
Mariah has premonitions both awake and in dreams, feels energies, and sees people for what is in their soul. View profile

Mary PIN: 5055
Mary makes people feel calm and relaxed, she works with spirit, angel and animal guides. View profile

Mavis PIN: 1010
Mavis believes we make are own destiny and her readings are very detailed, enabling clients to make good life decisions. View profile

Michaela PIN: 3232
Michaela is asked about love, family, work, money and new adventures; she always asks for guidance from her angels. View profile

Pauline PIN: 3798
Pauline works with the aid of her three Spirit Guides. She also uses Tarot cards and Angel cards, particularly where timings are needed. View profile

Robbie PIN: 3443
Robbie channels his guides and works with Archangel Metatron and his guide Yashubi. View profile

Ruth PIN: 2022
With the support of her guides, Ruth is able to teach people about their own spiritual awareness & self-empowerment. View profile

Sandra PIN: 2662
Sandra believes we have a blue print for our lives, we can either follow what was planned for us or take a different route. View profile

Sarah PIN: 9888
Sarah’s use of the Luna cycle, personal Zodiac signs and natural spiritual knowledge gives her readings a unique, personal feel. View profile

Toby PIN: 2333
Toby aims to provide well-rounded, uplifting readings infused with empathy, compassion and practicality. View profile

Vanessa PIN: 3900
Vanessa always works for your highest good and with love and light to guide you in making decisions on your life path. View profile