Developing psychic abilities takes plenty of time and practice, there are fun games available though that will make this process seems much more enjoyable.
Remote Viewing is the ability to see distant places and people using the power of your mind. To try practicing this ability there are a few games a psychic can play.
In the first game the budding clairvoyant will try to picture what a friend or family member is wearing before they meet them. They should try to picture not only the type of clothes but also the colour. Once you have met your friend it will be easy to validate how accurate you are.
The second game is similar to the first however this time it involves places rather than people. The psychic student should try picturing a destination before arriving there. Try to picture what colour the walls are, what the doors look like, what furniture is in the room etc.
During both the games the student should write down their findings. It is also important to write down what the person or place does actually look like. Comparing the prediction and reality is important for the mind to be able to fully develop this ability.
Telepathy is the ability to communicate with someone trough only the use of your mind. A psychic will use this power to communicate with people, spirit guides, spirits and even animals. The game to help you learn this ability is very easy and requires just one other person.
In this game the psychic student uses Zener cards. These are ESP cards that feature symbols such as a star, wavy line, square and circle. The aim of the game is for the helper, or psychic sender, to send the image featured on the card to the student, or psychic receiver, using their mind. The psychic then has to use their mind to receive the signal being sent and then verbally confirm what image they see.
This game can be expanded further by the psychic sender picturing a simple object, such as a pen, and trying to communicate this psychically to the student. The psychic receiver then has to describe what it is they see.
Due to the difficulty of this game and the benefit of positive reinforcement to the development of psychic abilities someone who describes a pen as a pencil should be seen as being partially correct.
These are just a few games that people can use to help them develop their psychic abilities with many more available to help you hone your skills.