Parapsychology Explored - Psychic Sight Blog

Parapsychology Explored

Psychic AbilitiesParapsychology is the study of psychic abilities, near-death experiences, and life after death. It uses scientific method experimenting with random number generators which are used to test for evidence of precognition and psychokinesis on humans and animals.

One of the former most studiers of Parapsychology was J.B Rhine who famously coined the term ESP (extrasensory perception). He studied at The Society for Psychical Research which was founded in London in 1882. He was pivotal in the study of Parapsychology and began to change the way studies were carried out. Rather than carrying out qualitative evidence for paranormal phenomena Rhine pursued a quantitative, statistical approach using cards and dice. This way soon became standard and interested researchers across the world adopted this approach.

Amongst the main disciplines that have been studied by the society and within the realms of Parapsychology is Telepathy which is the ability to transfer information or thoughts and feelings between people using five classical senses. Clairvoyance, which is the ability to gain information about events or places by means of an unknown science. Precognition, which is the ability or skill to perceive information about future events before they even occur. Then there’s reincarnation which is the rebirth of a soul into a new physical body after death. Apparitional experiences are the phenomenon of ghosts and places where the deceased are thought to have been.

Some of the most famous Parapsychologists include Carl Reichenbach, Ciarán O’Keeffe, Stephen E. Braude, Jim B. Tucker and Hans Holzer.


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