Dice Reading


Hand throwing diceCleromancy is the art of divining your future using dice, ancient Greeks used dice for both gambling and divination purposes and it was them that popularised the use of a 6 sided die as opposed to four sided ones used previously.

Rules to follow:

Use two or three dice
Only use dice for divining reasons once per week
Do not throw dice on Wednesdays or Mondays
If you are asking a question of a personal nature – get someone else to throw the dice for you
Throw the dice in silence
Before you begin draw a circle about the diameter of a standard ruler (30cm), to cast the dice in to, it doesn’t matter what you draw on to as long as the surface is even.

Using the circle:

Only add the value of any dice that fall inside the circle (dice that fall outside indicate separations or arguments).
You may choose not to add up dice that land on top of each other – they usually signify that you should ignore an opportunity you have been presented with.
If you find that the dice throw continually outside of the circle you should conclude that now is not a good time for a reading.

Interpreting the numbers (bear in mind that some numbers can only occur if some of the dice fall outside of the circle):

1 – This means ‘yes’

2 – This means ‘no’

3 – A modest surprise may occur or some good fortune will follow

4 – Disappointing news may follow; your current situation will hit complications

5 – Your life will be enhanced by a new and pleasing relationship

6 – You risk losing those that you take for granted, value what and who you have in your life

7 – You run the risk of your secrets becoming gossip if you entrust the wrong people

8 – You could become a scapegoat in a situation, even if you are not at fault

9 – Patch up an argument – it is a good time to do so

10 – A new business, venture or relationship will be successful

11 – A poignant separation will occur

12 – Celebrate – good news is on the way

13 – Don’t go ahead with your question in mind; something better is on its way

14 – An emotionally committed relationship is on the cards that will bring happiness

15 – Stand by your principles, don’t risk it – listen to your conscious

16 – A holiday will bring about unexpected benefits

17 – This is a time to be flexible – adapt and put others needs before your own

18 – 3 x 6’s – will bring happiness, joy and great blessings. The answer is ‘yes’ and your heart’s desire will be granted!

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The service is only for credit card readings. Calls cost £32.95 for the first 20 minutes, £1.50 per minute thereafter – tax included. Charged in sterling (GBP). Maximum 90 minutes. View full terms & conditions.