Palmistry - Psychic Sight Blog


PalmistryMany say that the eyes are the window to a person’s soul, but a palm reader would not agree! Palmistry dates back 1000+ years and can be traced to India and China although many cultures and countries adopted the practice. Palmistry is mentioned in Sanskrit, Vedic and Semitic ancient texts. Palm reading did not become popular in Europe until the eighteenth century, often practised by gypsies and today is still often associated with gypsy fortune telling.

Palmistry studies the lines, texture and shape of the hand, as well as the fingers, knuckles, wrists and joints. Every human hand is unique, no two palm prints or finger prints are the same. Carl Jung (one of the founders of psychoanalysis) believed that palmistry is the outward appearance of the secrets that we try to hide.

When a Palmist conducts a reading; they will examine the six major lines of the palm:

The Heart Line – sometimes called the marriage line, will indicate your emotional life, your fears, insecurities and passions as well as your potential for love and marriage.

The Head Line – covers your career or business acumen, your mental abilities and potential for success.

The Life Line – speaks of your stamina, vitality and longevtity.

The Mercury Line – demonstrates your spirit of adventure, your curiosity and your health.

The Apollo Line – is all about your creative side, your special talents and life energy.

The Saturn Line – can tell you what fate has in store for you.

In addition to the major lines, the palm contains lots of smaller lines and markings. The study of these fine lines and patterns is known as dermatoglyphics. There are thirteen basic markings:

Islands, Chains, Branches, Broken Lines, Dot, Forks, Star, Circle, Triangle, Square, Cross, Tassels and Grille.

The palm is also divided into zones and mounts, containing information about traits, personal characteristics and natural abilities. The area near your wrist is the physical zone representing needs and desire. The practical zone is in the middle where emotional and physical zones meet and the emotional zone is at the top near the start of your fingers. Mounts are cushion like developments on the edges of your hand and near your fingers – the mounts on your hands never change. The nine mounts of the hand are:

Venus, Luna, Upper Mars, Mercury, Apollo, Saturn, Jupiter and Lower Mars. The mounts correspond to planetary energies associated with particular character traits.

This gives you the basics of Palmistry, and a guide to build on should you want to have a reading of your own, or perhaps it has sparked your interest enough to learn more and you can carry out readings on yourself, family and friends.


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